Ciao John,
Thank you so much for the PA800 BKP file, I have installed everything OK and it’s as if the keyboard has been resurrected.Yes like many others, I haven’t put in the time necessary to tweak sounds and styles, but I am really enjoying what almost sounds like another keyboard. Thank you so much for your work…the price was indeed a bargain.
Auguri e complimenti.
Vito (Canada)
My name is Dario and I have the Korg PA800. I have just been sampling John’s new 2012 Resources and would like to share my views with you.
I have been listening to and playing with performances that centre round “guitar, voices, sax,accordion,etc.” as they are the sounds that I am most interested in, obviously in connection with the accompanying styles. I must say that our friend John has added 50% to the realism and incisiveness of these sounds, accompanied by improved effect settings for each and every sound which makes them more sonorous and brighter to the ear. I had great fun in playing the Dire Straits
Styles which, with the right-hand guitar sounded like the song itself.
The organs too have been improved and tweaked to a level which is both pleasing to the ear and realistic. One other style that I could not stop playing was the one referring to Stevie Wonder’s
“Isn’t she Lovely “. Just give it a go ! If you can play it or know the chords tell me that it does not sound as if you are listening to the original recording…
So for a mere 25 euros which I gladly transferred to John for an undertaking that must have cost him quite a lot of time, my advice ? Give it a try as you won’t regret it, having enriched and improved your great and “old “ PA arranger…..
HURRAH! I followed your instructions and IT WORKED!
ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR A GENIUS!
Eccomi, ho ricevuto le risorse di John e le ho caricate sulla pa2x. Al momento ho potuto solo provare alcune performances abbinate agli stili da lui programmati e devo dire che sono stupende. E' proprio come avere comprato una nuova tastiera. Inoltre John è stato gentilissimo e rapidissimo a consegnare i files, guidarmi nel setup, ed a consigliarmi su come ottenere il meglio dal suo lavoro. Temo che ci metterò settimane a provare tutto ciò che ho di nuovo, c'è ogni tanto da modificare qualche volumino, più che altro per customizzare il risultato, ma è veramente valido. Se andate su korgforums e leggete la review di PETE, che mi ha convinto a mandare il contributo, troverete una analisi più competente e valida della mia, ma se siete interessati il mio consiglio è di investire 25 euro per avere delle risorse splendide.
Ancora grazie a John,
PS giuro che non è mio zio, magari avere un parente così bravo...
Simone ( Italia)
Hi all
Just wanted to feedback my findings (so far) regarding John Smies' "2012 pa800pa2x resources".
If you want a quick opinion:-
OK - why?
I loaded up John's resources and SET and started trying out the PERFORMANCES first of all. John has done an outstanding job here - some absolutely fantastic "set-ups" by just leaving the PERFORMANCES "Style" button on and working through every one. I must admit that there is so much to try even beyond just the PERFORMANCES that I haven't got through it all as yet.
John has put in hours and hours of work and produced a high quality result.
After going through the PERFORMANCES, I started through the STYLES - by the way I am talking about the factory style locations as well as USER . I saw many familiar STYLE names there like "Meditation Bossa" and thought ......ok, I know that one so I'll move on to the next....
BUT NO!!! So many of these styles have been enhanced to such a degree that they are effectively "new" - ALSO, John has provided several NEW styles too. (AND SOUNDS!!!) -
I cannot recommend his work more strongly. He requests a mere donation (around Euros25 ) - you would only get 3 mediocre Yamaha styles for that. THIS IS AWESOME VALUE.
So, just in case you are wondering - I have no association with John other than through these forums.
He doesn't know that I am writing this (so I hope he doesn't mind!!!).
I think he said a while ago that this might make you feel like you have upgraded your PA800/PA2X - he is correct in my honest opinion.
Congratulations John and thank you for enabling us to enjoy and share your work.
Pete (Australia)
ik heb de resources van John een tijd geleden getest op zijn verzoek en ik zeg dus nogmaals
dat hij heel goed werk levert, zeker voor de muzikant met de kleine beurs die niet het geld heeft om de nieuwe Pa3 serie te kunnen betalen.
Ik ben net terug uit Duitsland van vakantie en optredens met kerst en oud en nieuw, en heb daar ook achtergrond muziek gespeeld voor een diner dansant. Heb daar oa de Shadows styles en registraties gebruikt van John. Klinkt echt super.Stom toeval dat er een hotelgast was die een
Pa2xPro had en mij vroeg hoe ik dit voor elkaar heb gekregen. Ik heb hem dus verteld van John en natuurlijk ook van de XMS stick. Hij was zeer onder de indruk. Ik heb hem oa dus John zijn email gegeven, ook niet iedereen heeft maar even € 450 liggen voor de XMS stick.
Kortom voor de bezitters van de door John genoemde keyboards is het zeer zeker de moeite waard om dit pakket aan te schaffen, je keyboard ondergaat een upgrade die de moeite waard is.
En eigenlijk snap ik niet dat John niet voor Korg werkt........goede programmeurs zijn zeldzaam.
I received the 2012 John resources that I loaded on my Pa-800,
I also had those of 2010, but this is just fantastic and above all the performances, I recommend you to
get these!!
Personnellement j'ai acheté ( 25€ c'est donné) et installé ces ressources 2012, comparativement a celles de 2011, c'est du noir au blanc, les styles sont super, naturellent ils y en a pour tous les gouts, mais dans les performances, alors la chapeau; mon Pa-800 je ne le recconnais plus, en plus bien entendu. Marcel
Marcel (Belgium)
Hi there,
If you are looking for a new source of inspiration for your Korg Pa800 or PA2x.
If you do not feel like programming performances for hours and hours.
If you just want to start up your Korg and select new great performances.
If you are familiar with John's work.
If his work is unknown to you. Don't look any further,,,,,,,,,
Thank you John for inspiring me with these new 2012 resources ,
again you hit the nail on the head:
Willem H. (Holland)
Hallo John
Habe alles installiert, war dank Deiner Information sehr einfach.
Wenn man bisher nur Styles geladen hat ist das mit den anderen
Files ( Performance, Pad, Sound ) für mich ungewiss.
Ich habe alle Bänke ( Styles, Favoriten, Pad, Performances )
durchprobiert, es ist wie Du auch geschrieben hast alles vorhanden.
Die Performances mit Style Change ist eine fantastische Sache.
Jedenfalls bin ich voll begeistert von Deiner Arbeit, und meinen
( neuen ) Instrument Pa2X ( 3 Jahre alt, keine Probleme ).
Der Klang ist bei meiner Stereo Anlage 5.1 mit Deinen empfohlenen
Einstellungen richtig Klasse.
Bin einfach nur begeistert. Nochmals vielen Dank für Deine
Hilfsbereitschaft John Smies.
Gruss Dieter Voigt (Germany) PA2X mit XMS
Hi John
For every plus comment there will no doubt be a minus. So here goes.
Since I received your new resources file, my local pub have sent out a scout to find me, the brewery has filed for bankruptcy. my work flow has ceased and I have lost clients. My electricity bill has increased, I am loosing sleep and do not have time to eat.
WHY? All because of the enjoyment and pleasure I am getting through your file. I am a home keyboard player/playabouter and do not alter many things (although I do sometimes)anh find that your file has given the keyboard new life and myself new enthuisiasm.
Best wishes
Many thanks Keith Lawton (UK)